Apply Online
Apply by phone
The LSNJLAW Hotline is open
from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Monday - Friday
This service is provided at no charge, but applicants must be financially eligible to qualify.
Legal help is available in all languages and to the hearing-impaired.
All calls are strictly confidential.

The LSNJLAW website provides self-help materials such as publications, forms, resource directories, benefit calculators, and much more in both
English and Spanish.
Visit the LSNJLAW website
Visite LSNJLAW en Español

New Jersey has six Legal Services programs: 5 regional programs, which provide direct services to clients in all 21 counties through 23 local offices, and Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ), the statewide coordinating office.
Learn About Our Statewide Projects
Legal Services of New Jersey
100 Metroplex Drive, Suite 101
P.O. Box 1357
Edison, NJ 08818-1357
(732) 572-9100
