
LSNJ Board of Trustees

Virginia A. Long, Esq.

Virginia A. Long, Esq.

Fox Rothschild LLP
Second Vice Chairperson

Retired New Jersey Supreme Court Justice Virginia Long joined Fox Rothschild in March 2012 after 15 years on the Appellate Division and 12 years as a pivotal player on the Supreme Court.

At Fox Rothschild, Long devotes her efforts to assisting clients with ethics and appellate matters, corporate governance and governmental integrity investigations, and to serving as a mediator and arbitrator providing dispute resolution alternatives in civil and matrimonial cases. She also spearheads the firm’s pro bono efforts in New Jersey. She is a member of the Governor’s Judicial Advisory Panel and co-chaired the Attorney General’s Conviction Review/Cold Case Commission.

Long was appointed to the state’s high court in 1999 by Governor Christine Todd Whitman. In that capacity, she authored many opinions that impacted the lives of people statewide and addressed such topics as establishing standards for a determination of who constitutes a “psychological parent;” determining that the refusal to renew the employment contract of an employee over the age of 70 violated the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination; and first recognizing PTSD as a basis for workers compensation and disability retirement benefits. She also penned a number of ground breaking land use opinions and numerous insurance opinions including several regarding risk allocation in long tail environmental exposure cases.

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